University Scholarships

Olivia Cripps

We provide funding for a range of university scholarships to assist people in regional locations who want to pursue a university qualification, particularly in agriculture and horticulture.  Details about the scholarships and how to apply are available through the individual universities and our job search page.


Central Queensland University
Charles Sturt University
University of Queensland

University of Tasmania
University of New England

Western Sydney University

10 scholarships for students of the Graduate Diploma of Protected Cropping or Graduate Certificate of Protected Cropping


University of Tasmania

Science and sustainability are significant factors in horticulture moving forward and my studies at UQ are addressing these issues. I’m thrilled and thankful for the opportunity to learn from Costa Berries. 

Leo Boden
Scholarship recipient – UQ
Emily Dryden

The scholarship has been a great help to me, providing financial assistance to buy text books and other equipment. It means I don’t have to try and fit in part-time work and am able to concentrate on my degree.

Emily Dryden
Scholarship recipient – UNE