Costa Berries Enterprise Agreement
Agreement approved
We are pleased to advise that we have received notification the Costa (Berry Category) Enterprise Agreement 2023-2027 has been approved by the Fair Work Commission. The terms of the new agreement will be effective from 26 December 2023.
Through the approval process a minimal number of undertakings have been included in the Costa (Berry Category) Enterprise Agreement 2023-2027. The Agreement, with the undertakings, is available here and on the Costa Intranet.
Negotiation process
The Costa Berry Category Enterprise Agreement expires on June 30, 2023.
We are undertaking the negotiation process for a new agreement with our employees. Our aim is to achieve an agreement that is fair and that employees are happy with, whilst being commercially viable for now and into the future.
Our goal is to communicate as widely as possible and gain input and feedback from across our business. There will be a team of people involved in the bargaining, representing the interests of the Costa Berries business and employees covered by the agreement. There will also be involvement from union representatives in the process.
Employee representatives will be nominated across the Costa Berries sites. These employee representatives will be the main point of contact for employees – they will take feedback from employees to present to the bargaining team, and will inform employees of what is discussed at the bargaining meetings to gather feedback.
Our timeline for the bargaining process is outlined below. We have also included Frequently Asked Questions & Answers.
If at any point you have questions or concerns, please contact your HR representative or email
Ballot information
The ballot for the new Costa Berries Enterprise Agreement will be conducted by Confidential & Independent Voting & Surveys (CIVS) from Tuesday, October 17 to Thursday, October 19.
Information will be sent to all employees with details. Links to key documents and translations are included below.
Frequently asked questions and answers
An Enterprise Agreement is a document that sets out the minimum employment conditions for employees within an organisation.
Modern Awards are documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment for each industry – there are 121 in total in Australia. As each role in an organisation can be covered by a different Modern Award (e.g. Clerical Award versus Horticulture Award) an organisation can choose to have one Enterprise Agreement covering all employees instead of the individual awards.
Prior to any Enterprise Agreement being implemented, it is assessed by the Fair Work Commission to make sure that:
- all employees are better off over all under the Enterprise Agreement than they would be under the individual Modern Awards.
- All base pay rates outlined in the Modern Awards are met or exceeded in the Enterprise Agreement.
- Even with an Enterprise Agreement in place, the National Employment Standards still apply.
The current agreement reaches its nominal expiry date on June 30, 2023. We need to start the process of reviewing the current agreement, and look at what we want to keep, change, add or remove for the next agreement.
Bargaining is the process by which one or more employers and employees negotiate the terms and conditions that will be included in the agreement. Both sides are represented in the process by bargaining representatives.
There will be a team of people involved in the bargaining, representing the interests of the Costa Berries business and employees covered by the agreement. There will also be involvement from union representatives in the process.
Employee representatives will be nominated across the Costa Berries sites. These employee representatives will be the main point of contact for employees – they will take feedback from employees to present to the bargaining team, and will inform employees of what is discussed at the bargaining meetings to gather feedback.
Through a series of bargaining meetings, taking on board feedback from everyone, a new agreement document will be drafted. At this point, all employees will be invited to vote on whether they are in agreement to the terms.
If 51% of employees vote in agreement, the document will be sent to the Fair Work Commission for review and approval. If it is agreed by them that this passes the “better off overall test” (BOOT – see below), the agreement is finalised and will come into place.
Everyone covered by the agreement is encouraged to take part in the process of reviewing what is currently in place, and providing feedback.
During the bargaining period, Costa Berries and employees will have an opportunity to present their ideas and thoughts. We are aiming to develop an agreement that is to the benefit of everyone and that can be agreed upon.
The Enterprise Agreement is relevant to roles which are covered by the Horticulture Award and are listed in the Enterprise Agreement schedule table. If you are unsure whether this is relevant to you, please check with your manager.
Once employee representatives have been elected, their contact information will be circulated. These are the people that you should talk to with ideas.
Alternatively, you can contact the unions who will be involved in the bargaining. You can also put your ideas forward through the email address
Before an agreement can be finalised, the independent group the Fair Work Commission reviews the agreement.
The Enterprise Agreement replaces the base requirements outlined in individual Modern Awards. The BOOT test makes sure that an organisation is not disadvantaging employees by offering terms of employment that are worse than those offered in the Modern Award.
The BOOT test looks at the overall offering of the Modern Award and the overall offering of the Enterprise Agreement – this means that whilst some individual terms may appear to be a disadvantage in the Enterprise Agreement, others offer enough of an advantage that the employee ends up better off overall.
Download our Enterprise Agreement FAQs. Click on buttons below for translated FAQs.
Key contacts
All employees covered by the Enterprise Agreement are encouraged and supported to give their feedback during the process. If you have any questions, or any areas that you would like to be considered in the negotiation process, you can contact your:
- Line Manager
- Bargaining Representative
- Union contact with appropriate industry coverage